Digital Photography Lessons - 10 Reasons You Should Take Digital Photography Lessons

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 27, 2011

Everyone should take a digital photograph of hours. And I'll give you ten big reasons why.

1 Taking digital photography lessons is not just about learning digital photography, it is also learning about photography and how to take great photos.

2 You will be able to take beautiful photos of your family, friends and pets, as well as taking photos poster quality vacations and travel. And those beautiful professional photos will be treasured and passed down to future generations.

3 Learning photography will save you a lot of money. Why hire a professional photographer when you can take beautiful photographs of themselves.

4 Own the rights to family portraits and wedding photos. When you hire a professional photographer, guess who owns the negatives and rights to these images? Not you!

5 Many people make a career in the photo and there are so many different areas of photos to choose from. Some specialized photography career, including: weddings, portraits, pet portraiture, industrial, stock, photojournalism, travel, fashion, sports, food and photography, among others


6 There are many opportunities to earn money part-time with photography,. As they enter the photography competition, selling photos to newspapers and magazines, making money online with stock photography sites, teaching photography classes, and more

7 Digital photography lessons will free your creative side (even if you think you have). You'll begin to see the world through the eyes of practicing. You will notice and understand shading, lighting, composition, shape and color in a way which is probably not before.

8 This is much less expensive to be a photographer now. No more spending tons of money on film, a negative development, and ispisuje.Digitalna camera has taken all of those high costs by far.

9 Everyone has a digital camera and now, though, many people do not know how to use them. Digital photography lessons will give you an expert in meetings when others are stumped on how to operate a camera.

10 Take into places others can not go, and backstage at concerts, sidelines during sporting events, and special events for celebrities.

More aboutDigital Photography Lessons - 10 Reasons You Should Take Digital Photography Lessons

Marketing Professional Photography to High School Graduates

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 20, 2011

Graduation photos can be a lucrative job for a professional photographer. Many photographers know that there is a niche business, but have trouble finding ways to effectively market their services to students and their parents. In order to effectively expand their photography business in the graduate market picture, you must be able to create buzz and excitement among high school seniors with your marketing efforts. Let's discuss some marketing tactics that can help you establish a connection with high schools and students.

to make your potential customers to work for you

It's no secret that high school grads art of sharing information so that we can get them talking about you. Marketing experts have shown that one of the most effective marketing strategy is through word of mouth. So what can we give graduates a reason to talk about you?

Sometimes a myth is, to give students a discount or a special package of recommendations. You can create a referral program that makes sense for your business model, and may include additional prints, digital negatives or more poses. Waive the sitting fee if the student applies to five other seniors who buy grafike.Raznolikost incentive programs are endless, just make sure you create a program that will increase the bottom line for your photography business.

Get on the inside of

the most effective marketing efforts focus on forming relationships with people in close contact with your target audience. When it comes to marketing senior picture services, groups such as the yearbook club and photography club will be able to promote their services in the most efficient manner. Form a relationship with the yearbook editor and create incentives for the yearbook team to promote your business. This may include special shoot at an event like dance or sports event. These types of student groups have a major impact on their colleagues decisions when it comes to photography.

launch social media campaigns

Social media can be one of the most effective marketing strategy for any small business, including photographs. Create a Facebook fan page, Twitter account and MySpace account to promote its higher image campaign. One way to create hyperlinks within a social media network is a sponsor of the photo competition. Promote competition with prizes, like free senior photo sitting for the winner, and require participants to become your friend. After you create your social media network, you will find that there are many ways to network with potential buyers and other professionals in the photography industry.

team with a variety of high school

is often administrators will actually make the decision a photographer for their students. By creating relationships with the administrators of different high schools, you will increase the chances that the school sponsor, or promote your business, when it comes to photography students' needs. Sometimes all it takes is a phone call from friends of the Director or Head of School. Other times you have to make a name for himself on campus by donating time and photography services at a discounted price or even free. This is obviously a marketing method that is used to build relationships with schools over a long period of time. However, in schools, relationships carefully built can be fruitful for many years.

Advertising apprenticeship

lovers of photography in high school is generally a form of photography classes or clubs. Contact the instructor or advisor class or club and ask them to have students apply for an apprenticeship in a professional photographer. Brace is as enthusiastic responses students may shock you. Form a working relationship with the student you choose. This person can be an asset to your senior picture marketing campaigns, and give you an insight into school culture. Allow this student to market their services to you via flyers and business cards and personal interaction with other clubs and events. You can also let your student will help in photographing other elderly people, particularly in the informal or 'everyday life' shot. They can take the resulting photographs to school to show off and advertise.

These are just a few ways you can begin to capture the higher picture of the market with high schools in your area. You'll find that the school often, and if you devote time and energy into developing solid relationships with you clients;! The school will begin to call you, instead of on the market that's

More aboutMarketing Professional Photography to High School Graduates

Digital Photography Tips For Beginners 101

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So, you finally bought my first digital camera? Congratulations! Probably you're excited and you're wondering where I could find some digital photography tips that will help you a great photo rezultate.Dobar advice, however, the digital photography beginners is that you need to practice. Need to get out there and get those pictures! Before you make mistakes, previously they would not learn exactly how to get the big picture.

What are the mistakes that beginners make a photo?

errors in digital photography is natural. Beginners make mistakes that can waste a lot of shots. Therefore, it is wise to read some digital photography tips that will help you avoid mistakes that beginners usually make. But what are these errors?
The first mistake that beginners often make is putting too many images into one image sliku.Cijelu becomes a sloppy unfocused images. You would find different objects in a photograph. It's not fun to look at. This is so confusing that people really would not want to look at it.

Another mistake that beginners often do not bother to create a more artistic and focused fotografije.Slika should be the center orijentirana.Cilj to create images that are good no matter what angle you look at it and no matter what side of the picture you staring in.
Latest digital photography beginner mistake is taking pictures without knowing how to deal with the camera properly. They end up with images that are overexposed, underexposes or blurry.

Digital Photography Tips

If you're new to digital photography, here are some digital photography tips that will serve you well as you are learning a trade and development capabilities to create the big picture:

1 Familiarize yourself with the camera. This May seem boring to you, but it is important. If you want to know what your camera is capable of doing, what its limitations and how to maximize its use will help you create great images.

2 The practice of taking photographs slike.Umjetnost and skills. You'll get better at it as you practice more.

3 Take many pictures as you can and want. Most digital camera memory cards that will allow you to take as many pictures as you want. You can also get an additional memory card, so you can take more pictures.

4 Use your camera's features and improve performance.

5 Learn how to frame your photos. It is a common mistake beginners. They do not know how to box your photos properly. So, I can take photos of objects deadlock. They could end up cutting your face or putting objects too far right. Good framing would mean a lot of difference to the outcome of the picture.

6 Learn a variety of compositional techniques. Again, you can avoid the second biggest mistake most beginners moving object in the center of either left or right. Avoid placing the object in the middle of the photo. It was over before and it was pretty boring.

7 Take more closely. They are more striking and interesting.

8 Be aware of images of lightning. Bad lightning can destroy what is supposed to be a good shot.

9 Do not be afraid to explore and try out new recordings.

10 Do not forget to take a photograph as a keepsake. These species have more heart pictures.

More aboutDigital Photography Tips For Beginners 101

Digital Photography - Optical Image Stabilization

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 12, 2011

In this article, we discuss the world of digital camera optical image stabilization. This technology has been around since first introduced in 1995, however, only recently made ​​its way into the amateur photographer and camera lens market.

Stabilization Lens - Lens stabilization technology used in some camera manufacturers lenses where the captured image is stabilized by the different optical path to the sensor. Right now, two large companies have used the lens stabilization longer than the Canon and Nikon. Canon calls its technology the internal stabilization (IS), while Nikon calls its Vibration Reduction (VR ).

Lens stabilization is never meant to prevent motion blur of the subject -. Just a minute shaking of the photographers hand-holding the lens, however, some lenses are now a secondary movement or active mode to compensate for those conditions

general rule-of-thumb with lens stabilization, you can expect to receive at least two-stop improvement over non-stabilized lens. For example, if you use a 100 mm lens, you would not normally try to use a shutter speed less than the reciprocal of the lens or 1/125th second.

with lens stabilization, you can expect to accept up to two stops less than or 1/30th second. While two large stabilized lenses are common in many respects, they are different.

comparison - In the comparison test between the Nikon and Canon lens stabilized Canon lens ended up being faster and quieter, while the Nikon lens was smaller and lighter in weight. Both have the same maximum aperture, about the same focal length and basically the same price. However, this did not stop there.

Canon IS lenses have two modes, Mode 1 and Mode 2nd Mode 1 is for general photography, where the lenses by compensating for camera shake float along both vertical and horizontal axes. Mode 2 is used for panned shots and when used, to exclude the image stabilization in the horizontal smjeru.Sklopkom mode is small ribbed slider switch is located on the lens barrel.

On the other hand, Nikon's Vibration Reduction system detects a smooth movement along the horizontal axis, it is interpreted as driving, and dealing with its countervailing power accordingly. It does not need or use a switch to select modes, so that the Nikon lens is smarter in this regard.

How it works - and Canon and Nikon use the same basic technology. Both use two shake-detection sensors to detect movement lenses - one for yaw and one for nagib.Dva sensors detect the angle and speed of movement and sends information to high-speed processor in the lens.

processor interprets the detection signal, converts these signals to said drive signal lens group on how to move to combat shake, thus creating a stable image.

Camera Stabilization - Some companies, such as-Konica Minolta, Pentax and Olympus build stability into the camera body instead lens.This works by moving the image sensor to control the movement. Although this method works well with shorter focal lengths, it does not work well with one more as a sensor can not move enough to fight all the detected movement.

what the future holds - a big two in this area, Nikon and Canon are working on the development of optical stabilization and a more responsive and accessible to a wider range of lenses. In the past, optical stabilization, whether built into the camera lens or body is not working well at slow shutter speeds. Recently, some new developments in technology resulted in the lens works much better slower speed. As technology becomes cheaper to produce, both companies are working on the construction of optical image stabilization to their lenses less expensive and I imagine one day in the not-too-distant future, it will be as common as auto-focus is now.

Summary - There are several advantages of using optical stabilization:

This is an important feature when trying to photograph inside some buildings that do not allow tripods or flash.

-. One photographer can be more responsive by not having to set the camera on a tripod for photography at moderate exposure

-. Two, photographer in many cases should not lug around a tripod lightning time to load

- Three, it's easier than ever to get a clear sharp image handholding the camera system that employs some kind of optical stabilization


last feature is important when trying to photograph inside some buildings that do not allow tripods or flash.

If you are thinking about buying equipment or to upgrade, look at the purchase or the lens or camera equipped with optical stabilization. Your slow shutter speed photography will be improved by using this new technology.

More aboutDigital Photography - Optical Image Stabilization

Understanding Digital Photography and Concept Shooting

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Digital photography has revolutionized the field of photography at the highest levels and has given many people the opportunity to advance their hidden talents in the art of taking photos.

Whether you are using a compact digital camera, SLR or a mobile phone with a camera, taking pictures has never been lako.Vrijeme when the photograph was the only thing missing are the professionals.

To understand the concept of digital photography you should first be familiar with a few things about how to use a normal film kamerama.Kamera works like our eyes, the eyes see things because light is reflected into the lens, the same thing happens with camera and lens fotoaparata.Objektiv camera transmits light in a plane (film) where he recorded the filmu.Film will be processed and the negative image will be printed and transferred to photo paper. Basically, this is how photography works.

in digital photography, silicon chip (also called sensor) is used instead of photographic film.Glavna advantage of silicon chip through the film is its ability to be used over and over again, and the film has a limited capacity, when it comes to saving images. In film photography, all exposure comes with a photograph and a maximum capacity of rolls of film is only 36 strokes. It is somehow a bit expensive to use film cameras for experimental photography.

the concept of saving the next level of digital photographic approach. It's more than just the usual focus-shoot-preview-save mode that we are familiar s. The concept is like shooting an advertising or photojournalism at once. This includes intensive study of a subject and a passionate display of the message you want to convey through their photographic images.

It's just storytelling with the use of images that can convey emotion and provoke feelings. It is not easy in practice the concept of saving, especially if you just look at digital photography as a way to get pictures.

scene can cause one's deepest emotions of a human being can feel if it is presented in a very passionate način.Jednostavan photos sunrise can give a person the strength to start a new day, while the image is a sunset can evoke feelings for romantic couples. This idea is the concept of photography.

concept images can be classified in this category:

-. Message It could be about love, friendship or even pain

Kut messages -. Messages of love can be about love of family and true love soul mates

Audience -. Your picture could capture a wide audience or a particular generation

Creative Composition - creativity of the whole composition will depend on the target audience;. The younger generation will require more preppy image with vibrant colors that will mean life to its fullest

storytelling quality - you might ask, how can a single image to convey the story? It's the same with the picture, it is worth a thousand words. You can convey your thoughts and feelings on your final product by simply taking the time to be a well-developed photos.

No matter what your level of photographic experience, while you're passionate about the craft, an understanding of digital photography and moving into the concept recording will be as easy as 1-2-3.

More aboutUnderstanding Digital Photography and Concept Shooting

Understanding Digital Photography and Concept Shooting

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 6, 2011

Digital photography has revolutionized the field of photography at the highest levels and has given many people the opportunity to advance their hidden talents in the art of taking photos.

Whether you are using a compact digital camera, SLR or a mobile phone with a camera, taking pictures has never been lako.Vrijeme when the photograph was the only thing missing are the professionals.

To understand the concept of digital photography you should first be familiar with a few things about how to use a normal film kamerama.Kamera works like our eyes, the eyes see things because light is reflected into the lens, the same thing happens with camera and lens fotoaparata.Objektiv camera transmits light in a plane (film) where he recorded the filmu.Film will be processed and the negative image will be printed and transferred to photo paper. Basically, this is how photography works.

in digital photography, silicon chip (also called sensor) is used instead of photographic film.Glavna advantage of silicon chip through the film is its ability to be used over and over again, and the film has a limited capacity, when it comes to saving images. In film photography, all exposure comes with a photograph and a maximum capacity of rolls of film is only 36 strokes. It is somehow a bit expensive to use film cameras for experimental photography.

the concept of saving the next level of digital photographic approach. It's more than just the usual focus-shoot-preview-save mode that we are familiar s. The concept is like shooting an advertising or photojournalism at once. This includes intensive study of a subject and a passionate display of the message you want to convey through their photographic images.

It's just storytelling with the use of images that can convey emotion and provoke feelings. It is not easy in practice the concept of saving, especially if you just look at digital photography as a way to get pictures.

scene can cause one's deepest emotions of a human being can feel if it is presented in a very passionate način.Jednostavan photos sunrise can give a person the strength to start a new day, while the image is a sunset can evoke feelings for romantic couples. This idea is the concept of photography.

concept images can be classified in this category:

-. Message It could be about love, friendship or even pain

Kut messages -. Messages of love can be about love of family and true love soul mates

Audience -. Your picture could capture a wide audience or a particular generation

Creative Composition - creativity of the whole composition will depend on the target audience;. The younger generation will require more preppy image with vibrant colors that will mean life to its fullest

storytelling quality - you might ask, how can a single image to convey the story? It's the same with the picture, it is worth a thousand words. You can convey your thoughts and feelings on your final product by simply taking the time to be a well-developed photos.

No matter what your level of photographic experience, while you're passionate about the craft, an understanding of digital photography and moving into the concept recording will be as easy as 1-2-3.

More aboutUnderstanding Digital Photography and Concept Shooting

Finding the Best Online Photography Course

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 4, 2011

When it comes to finding the best online photography course, you must first ask what you want to get from this course. Are you trying to become a professional photographer? Or you are simply hoping to improve their skills and create fun photo photography hobby that you are good at?

If you are looking to become a professional photographer, then your choice should be for the best online photography course. Since you're looking to become a professional it's a good idea to sign up for a professional school with accreditation, and the real, live online classes. There are various websites such as this, such as the Art Institute.

disadvantages of a course like this you're forced to pay large sums of money for "loans" and getting your degree in photography. For those who are not as concerned with the diploma, cheaper and, in my opinion, a better way to learn is to find a variety of online photography course and learn the most you can from each.

e-book online

Although there are not many ebooks on photography, this is a great way to start if you are looking for an online photography course. Often times a book will help you from beginner to advanced photographers. They are often great for beginners looking to start and do not know much.

In addition, many of these courses include photography eBook videos to watch as well. It helps when learning photography so much you are shown live demonstrations.

Books to buy online

next option is to buy the book online and get them shipped to your house. Although this is not exactly "on-line photography course," it is a very effective way to learn. That's how I learned!

Your best bet is to go to and look at various books on photography. They have everything from how to use the camera, posing models, composition techniques, lighting, and many other issues with specific books dedicated to each!

reviews on Amazon will help you get a feel for the quality books and what you can learn.

to do their own learning photography is harder because you have to teach yourself. However, this often results in a better way of learning material as they themselves learn. What I recommend if you use one of these learning methods is to set up projects to do yourself. For example, after each chapter of the book on photography to make a project dedicated to photography techniques you've learned.

More aboutFinding the Best Online Photography Course

Digital Products Are Changing Our World

Posted by writer on Monday, October 3, 2011

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Let's face it, digital products are changing the world. Market demands are constantly pushing the semiconductor developers to design smaller, faster chips that consume less energy. Cell phones have gone from niche subjects that were available only to a small portion of wealthy, well-connected people affordable devices that are loaded with all the bells and zvizdaljkama.Način that we have developed a digital read books with the Kindle titles (e-books) from working hard cover book sales.

Digital audio is becoming increasingly popular, and soon will be standard audio production methods. Music and audio technology continues to advance by new products such as I pod, USB flash drives, MP4 players and audio workstations. Digital television has overtaken analog tip.Nove companies that sell digital products to grow tenfold.

camera digital image quality has improved beyond belief. Clean and video cameras with digital converters are running the most analog devices. Information products are available covering every subject can be easily obtained. Today, products are created and stored electronically and then delivered to customers digitally. In the old days you have been waiting for mail to be delivered in a few days.

games, online gaming, PC software, security systems, PC hardware all use this new technology of the future. Satellite radio, GPSes, cell phones with all the applications would never have been invented and made small enough to enjoy if we did not investigate digital science.

sign on the road with a digital mechanical to provide photo-realistic images of our trip. This method of outdoor advertising truly has sve.Virtualni fireplace is one of the most innovative product gives the appearance of the decade cozy fireplace without all the hassle and requires no wood, gas, or other.

Companies that remain in compliance with the latest technology will be best positioned to meet the demanding market requirements. We need to stay ahead of the curve by staying in touch with these new digital products. This will improve our quality of life and enjoyment of these inventions ever. Embrace change.

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